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Originally delivered on 11/17/2023 5:06 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - Nov. 17th

Dates to Remember:

Nov. 22nd, 23rd, 24th: NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)

Dec. 6th: VVMS Winter Party (4:15pm-5:30pm)

VVMS in Focus
VVMS Ranked #4 in MN!

The results for the annual U.S. News Best Middle Schools in MN are in, and Valley View Middle School is #4 in the state!

Take a look at our profile here.

VVMS Winter Party

Dec. 6th 4:15pm - 5:30pm

Party RSVP: 
We are requiring that you use THIS FORM to RSVP for your student(s) if they plan on attending, as this will help our school and PTO plan accordingly.  

Learn More: 
Review THIS PPT to learn more about our Winter Party. 

We have filled all volunteer positions, thank you!! 

Please reach out to the Valley View main office with any questions.

Harmful Language Campaign

We are feeling in tremendous harmony with our district and the efforts to thwart off harmful language. Our Director of Equity and Multilingual Programming has partnered with community to create this graphic. It overlaps with our initiative to respond swiftly to red-level language.  

We continue to address the issue with serious fervor and appreciate your partnership. Continue to coach our students up on the healthy, green-level language we want to see.

Harmful Language Response: 1. Interrupt -
We Love Our Parent Volunteers!

So many of you have come in to support our scholars. We appreciate you! We want parents weaved into how we do business at VVMS. It is this ecosystem like approach that’ll help us truly band together to create positive culture and strong community. Keep coming back! 

7th & 8th Grade Fall Orchestra Concert

Congratulations to our talented 7th & 8th grade band students on their performances this week. A shout out to our orchestra teacher, Ms. Darby, for guiding our young scholars in their musical journey. Job well done!

Collaborative Learning Cycles

The teachers at Valley View engage in CLCs to implement school-wide strategies that’ll boost literacy and numeracy. The previous cycle featured the “juicy sentence” literacy strategy as well as marking the text. The current cycle is anchored in numeracy and using math vocabulary in a cross-curricular approach. The CLC is gaining much traction around the district and VV will soon be a signature site for the framework. 

Pathway to Success

Our district's Spanish Liaison and an Edina High school student spoke to our Spanish speakers regarding their journey and pathways to success.

Food Drive Recap

The food drive was a huge success! We collected an incredible 4,484 pounds of donations! VEAP was thrilled to receive our donations as it’s an ongoing struggle to keep food on the shelves. Our donations will make a huge difference to the members of our community who will receive them.

Thank you to our 7th & 8th grade Service Squad for organizing and to the Valley View families who donated!

Unified STRIVE Trip to MOA

Yay! Our Unified STRIVE program went to MOA to support purchase/buying practices and functions that’ll future proof our young Hornets. 

Excellent collaborative field trip!  

Unified STRIVE group standing outside of the Mall of America
Measuring Distance in Science

Students measured distance and sent balloons on high-speed treks! Fantastic instructional practice to help the theme and concept crystallize for our learners. 

Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch and Hall Monitors

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered already! We are loving having parents and caregivers around to help supervise our young Hornets during lunch and transition times. We have already noticed an improvement in language and behavior.

We are still looking for Somali speaking, Spanish speaking, and English speaking parent volunteers, to help with supervision. Please consider signing up for a shift, dates available through winter break:

Lunch volunteers - sign up here

Hall Monitors - sign up here

Thank you!!

**Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

PTO News
Support the PTO!

We are getting closer but we are still around $3,000 short of reaching our budgeted goal. 

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
VVMS Updates
Share the love with our teachers!

Are you shopping for the Holidays? Check out our teachers' wishlists and spread some joy their way! 

VVMS Faculty Wishlists

Join the cast in our Spring Musical!

VVMS 6th, 7th & 8th Grade

The SpongeBob Musical - Youth Edition

Based on the series by Stephen Hillenburg. Book by Kyle Jarrow. Musical Production Conceived by Tina Landau

When the citizens of Bikini Bottom discover that a volcano will soon erupt and destroy their humble home, SpongeBob and his friends must come together to save the fate of their undersea world.

With lives hanging in the balance and all hope lost, a most unexpected hero rises up. The power of optimism really can save the world.

Auditions: Dec. 4th-8th, 2023

Performances: Mar. 7th, 8th, 9th, 2024

Join the VVMS Theatre Group

on Schoology for all

production information.

Access code: QSJTB-SS5SZ

Contact Director, Regina Neville

for more information at

Click HERE for more information.

Partner Shares
Calculator Donations Wanted

The High School Economics classroom is looking for some basic 8-digit calculators that families having lying around that they no longer need. 

Check your kitchen drawers, your desk drawers, and your closets and let's see how many we can collect! 

The total amount needed is 300, so the more, the merrier!

Donations can be dropped off in the collection box in the front office at Valley View. Thank you!

Edina High School Thespians present
Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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