Our students were absolutely fantastic at our assembly today! Our student leadership team emceed different intervals of the program, a courageous student led an excellent speech about leadership and doing the right thing, we had a staff/student noodle-catch competition (in which Principal Bass would have won but a controversial call from the referee negated that), and we had a call and response cheer led by one of our neurodiverse students.
The entire time we watched our young scholars model exactly what it meant to uphold the familial spirit that is the Valley View Vibe. We are proud of our young Hornets and want to see this sort of harmony boom bigger and brighter! Our Valley View Vibe is shining, baby!
We have a few TikTok challenges that at times can interfere with our goals for unity. Recently, students are engaging in “air basketball” in which they pretend to “dunk” on someone. In their eyes it seems harmless or like a light prank but we recognize this sort of action opens us up to some potential for harm. We want to see this trend dissolve and be gone from the threshold of the campus before we have any serious injuries.
We have our team intervening and coaching our kiddos up, but your partnership will help us keep VVMS a safe place and free from actions that could blemish our strong momentum.
Thanks for talking to our young Hornets about Green Level Behavior, and the importance of exercising practices that boost our community.