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Originally delivered on 5/10/2024 2:14 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - May 13th

Dates to Remember:

May 30th: 8th Grade Graduation

May 30th: 6th & 7th Grade EOY Field Trips

May 31st: 8th Grade EOY Field Trip

VVMS in Focus
Student Grades in the Portal

**End of Year Reminder

The NYs (not yet) listed on your student's report will turn to letter grades on Monday. It’ll be important for students to finish strong in order to close out the year with a glowing report card!

8th grade graduation: May 30 at 2:30, Edina High School Activity Center

We are Looking for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Families to Volunteer! 

Help set up, serve at the reception, and clean up post the celebration. 

If you are available to help, please sign up here!

2:30pm – 3:15pm Ceremony at the Edina High School Activity Center
3:15pm – 4:00pm Reception in the outdoor area behind the Edina High School Activity Center (alt. location of EHS Activity Center Lobby if inclement weather)

Students are encouraged to dress for the occasion.

All guests are welcome! There is not a limit on the number of guests who may attend.

Students may depart with their guests post ceremony & reception or return to the school for traditional bus routes & pick-up.

Spirit Week

VVMS students and staff showed up for our last Spirit week of the school year!

Mathcounts Recognition

2024 MATHCOUNTS Super Coaches

Three MATHCOUNTS coaches who have remarkable records for bringing teams to the State Competition were recognized during the event.

 Congratulations to:

  • Coach Margaret Schlukebier for bringing teams from Valley View Middle School in Edina to state for 15 years
  • Coach Rick Eidsness for bringing teams from Moorhead’s Horizon Middle School to state for ten years!
  • Coach James Carlovsky, St Paul Academy/Summit School for bringing teams to State for five years!
Spring Sing

8th Grade VVMS Choir put on an excellent concert for Spring Sing!

MEDIA CENTER: Important Due Dates!!

The end of the school year is getting close. Please note some important due dates for your student:

  • May 10 was the Last Day to Check Out Books

  • May 17 Return All Library Books!
    All Library books are due back Friday, May 17th in the Media Center. After that, books will be marked as "Lost", and fees will be applied in Infinite Campus. Books can always be turned in and fees removed if you find the books in the future! 

  • May 24  8th Grade Device Returns 
    Chromebooks and chargers turned in during periods 5/6 in media center

Calm Coloring Flex in the Media Center

8th grade artist, Island P, has created a gorgeous design for students to color during flex time in our Media Center. Each day it gets more colorful and more beautiful!

Retiring VVMS Staff

Congratulations and well-wishes for our five retiring VVMS staff! You will be missed!

  • Ms. Bender (PE Teacher)
  • Ms. Hurt (Math Teacher)
  • Mr. Jones (Paraprofessional)
  • Ms. Salisbury (Paraprofessional)
  • Mr. Dietrich (Custodial Team)
American Indian Graduation Ceremony

American Indian Graduation Ceremony. Jessie Bigbear led us in dance, song, and praise for the EHS American Indian graduates. Such a wide-reaching effort to celebrate all of the beautiful intersections we showcase here in Edina. Also, an excellent opportunity for our young scholars to see what their future could look like!

Statewide Test Redesign Survey

Provide your feedback! Statewide Testing Redesign Survey from the Minnesota Department of Education

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is launching the Statewide Testing Redesign Survey. The voices and perspectives of Edina Public Schools families are important to this effort as new academic standards are being adopted in science, reading, and math, along with new assessments to measure learning of the standards. The survey asks about how you receive, interpret, and use statewide assessment results. Your feedback will help MDE make sure that the results for the new assessments reported to the public, schools, and families are as clear and useful as possible.

Please take this brief 15-minute survey: The link is live until May 19. 

MDE wants to ensure the voices of all communities are represented in this process. Therefore, families as well as students in grades 8-12 are invited to complete the survey. If you have any questions, please contact

8th Grade Graduation Slideshow

We need early childhood pics for our 8th grade graduation slide show (past photo paired with a  present photo). 

HERE is a place where you can submit photos of your 8th grader! 

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teachers receive some much love recognition during Teacher Appreciation Week! 

Le Grand Concours (French Awards)

Students did great at Le Grand Concours! 

47 students won a medal: 

  • 19 bronze
  • 17 silver
  • 10 gold
  • 1 platinum


The award ceremony for the silver, gold, and platinum medals was held on Wed, May 8th a the Hallie Q. Brown Community Center in St. Paul.

Great Job!

Get your Valley View Gear!

Don't miss the chance to get some awesome Valley View gear, our store is still open!

Purchase HERE

Volunteer Munch N Mingle - THANK YOU!

Calling all parents and caregivers that volunteered or contributed to our Valley View VIBE this year! 

Please come in and be celebrated by our VVMS team for our support. We want to love ya up! We’re serving a breakfast for you on 5/24/24 from 8:15am – 9am. Please consider stopping in!

Please send us a quick RSVP by filling out this form just so we know how many amazing people will be joining us!

Free Summer Camps!
Volunteer Opportunities for Middle School Students

You asked, we’re delivering. We have two new volunteer opportunities for middle school students this summer. (High School students can learn more about our traditional summer volunteer program here.)

Unified Peer Volunteers | Grades 7-8 for school year 2024-25

  • Various Weeks (requires 2-week commitment)

Help our community become more inclusive by volunteering with summer Unified Enrichment camps run through Edina Community Ed. You will help students with disabilities feel welcome and meaningfully engaged in camp activities and interactions. Registration deadline: May 15

Green Superheros of Science Teen Teachers | Grades 7-8 for school year 2024-25

  • July 8-18 (M-TH) 1pm-3pm,  plus training 10am-3pm on Thursday June 6

Dive into the science of polymers, learn how to fight pollution, and serve as a role model and teacher for younger students (ages 6-10).  As a member of our NEW Edina Green Superheros of Science Teen Teachers team, you will be trained by U of M Extension/4H staff on how to guide younger youth in science experiments that spark curiosity and discovery. Registration deadline: May 15

Free! Week-long Enrichment Camps

Thanks to some last-minute, one-time grant funding that has become available to us, we have two free camp opportunities for middle school students this summer. 

Green Crew Adventure | Grades 6-8 for school year 2024-25

  • June 17, 18, 20. 9am-4pm plus optional Friday field trip OR
  • July 22-25, 9am-4pm, plus optional Friday field trip

Young environmental enthusiasts can connect with nature in this camp, blending science experiments with hands-on conservation projects. Participants will be invited to help form a new after-school club for South View and Valley View next year. 

Career Exploration | Grades 7-9 for school year 2024-25

  • August 12-15, 9:00am-12:00pm

Through hands-on activities, engaging workshops, inspiring guest speakers and several field trips, students will gain valuable insights into various career paths.

Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch and Hall Monitors

Come see what the fuss is all about, our kids are great and you make a difference!

We have loved having our VVMS parents volunteer during passing times and at lunch! Please, please please, keep coming in and volunteering to supervise. 

We are offering work spaces for those who want to come during our passing time. This allows our parents to supervise halls during transition time but then hop back into an office to work. We're happy to accommodate! 


For reference, here is the VV Daily Schedule.

Thank you!!

Button to lunch supervisor sign ups
Button to Hallway Monitor sign up
Button to reserve work space

Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

Parking for Parent Visitors

Parents and caregivers, if you are visiting Valley View please check in at the front desk and a clipboard will be provided for you to enter your vehicle information. This will prevent any boots or ticketing.

Thank You!
Parent volunteer in front of large horizontal banner that reads,
PTO News
Support the PTO!

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
Community Shares
EAAA (Edina Asian American Alliance) 2nd Annual AAPI Month Festival. Sat. May 18, 12pm-4pm at Rosland Park, 4300 66th St. https//
Football Skills Training Camp

Click on the image to sign up!

Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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