Provide your feedback! Statewide Testing Redesign Survey from the Minnesota Department of Education
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is launching the Statewide Testing Redesign Survey. The voices and perspectives of Edina Public Schools families are important to this effort as new academic standards are being adopted in science, reading, and math, along with new assessments to measure learning of the standards. The survey asks about how you receive, interpret, and use statewide assessment results. Your feedback will help MDE make sure that the results for the new assessments reported to the public, schools, and families are as clear and useful as possible.
Please take this brief 15-minute survey: The link is live until May 19.
MDE wants to ensure the voices of all communities are represented in this process. Therefore, families as well as students in grades 8-12 are invited to complete the survey. If you have any questions, please contact