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Originally delivered on 4/19/2024 1:41 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - April 18th

Dates to Remember:

April 24th: MCA Testing

April 25th: MCA Testing

May 1st: Evereve VVMS Fundraiser 

May 10th: Special Persons Day

May 30th: 8th Grade Graduation

VVMS in Focus

Our next round of MCA testing will take place the mornings of April 24/25

To ensure that your learner is set up for success, we ask that you assist them with the following:

Being Physically and Mentally Prepared

  • Ensure your student gets a good night sleepand has a good breakfast before the test. 
    • VVMS offers breakfast in the cafeteria before school at no charge for learners

Being “Test Ready”

  • Learners should arrive to school with a fully charged Chromebook.  We also strongly recommend they bring wired headphones.
    • Please note – wireless/Bluetooth headphones/earbuds are not permitted during MCA testing
  • Remind your child to have a few No. 2 pencils w/erasers, and dress comfortably
  • Phones, fitness trackers, Apple watches, E-books, electronics, etc. are not permitted during the test.  If students use these devices for any reason during testing, the state will typically disqualify their score.  Please instruct your student to preferably leave these items at home on test day.  Otherwise, students should make a plan to have them secured in their locker or left with their teacher during testing. 
  • We also recommend learners bring a water bottle and book to ready in case they finish early.  Learners are not permitted to be on their device once they have finished testing for the day.
EPS Core Planning Team Visit

Valley View was observed by the Edina Public School Core Planning Team for our efforts around community engagement and inclusion. The panel consists of parents, board members, teachers, cabinet members, students, etc). We were thrilled with the praise we received as well as the chance we had to share the great connectedness that exists with our parents and caregivers. Thank you for supporting our movement!

Teen Lit Con is Coming!

For students who love books and authors-- Join us at Teen Lit Con!

Saturday, April 27

Edina High School, 10am – 3 pm. Enter Door #5


Teen Lit Con is a FREE event geared for students in grades 6-12, celebrating young adult readers and YA authors, and this year is hosted by Edina High School!


The day includes sessions with best-selling authors Marie Lu,Jarrett Krosoczka (remember the Lunch Lady books?), Nick Brooks, and Krystal Marquis. Many Minnesota authors will be there too, including local author Payal Doshi.


Books are available for sale and there are concessions on-site (cash only). Students are also welcome to bring a bag lunch.


Questions? Please contact Angie Endo, library media specialist @952-848-3325

Book Bazaar Wrap!

We had a wonderful 2nd Annual VVMS Book Bazaar in March, and we are overflowing with gratitude to our community! The numbers are in, and it was a HUGE success!!

2,237 books donated!

23 advisories received tickets for ALL students to choose a FREE book!

450+ FREE books were given to VVMS students!

$1,117 raised to buy 75 new books for the VV library!!  (Exceeding our goal of $1,000)

THANK YOU so much, families! This is only possible because of you! And thank your children for their involvement in helping, donating, purchasing, and enjoying!  


VVMS Fashion Fundraiser at Evereve, 50th and France Ave. May 1st from 10am-8pm. Sips and snacks from 5-8pm. 15% of all purchases benefit Valley View Middle School.
Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch and Hall Monitors

Come see what the fuss is all about, our kids are great and you make a difference!

We have loved having our VVMS parents volunteer during passing times and at lunch! Please, please please, keep coming in and volunteering to supervise. 

We are offering work spaces for those who want to come during our passing time. This allows our parents to supervise halls during transition time but then hop back into an office to work. We're happy to accommodate! 


For reference, here is the VV Daily Schedule.

Thank you!!

Button to lunch supervisor sign ups
Button to Hallway Monitor sign up
Button to reserve work space

Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

Parking for Parent Visitors

Parents and caregivers, if you are visiting Valley View please check in at the front desk and a clipboard will be provided for you to enter your vehicle information. This will prevent any boots or ticketing.

Thank You!
Parent volunteer in front of large horizontal banner that reads,
PTO News
ASK: Teacher Appreciation Week

We are looking to shower our teachers with thanks during Teacher Appreciation Week. We're asking for gift cards to use in Mystery Bags for our teachers! We would appreciate gift cards to any of your favorite stores in $10- $20 amounts. If you would prefer, we are also collecting money to purchase gift cards. 

Please send any gift cards or money to school with your child and have them drop them in the office by Friday, May 3rd! Thank you!!

Support the PTO!

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
Community Shares
Seeking Summer Student Volunteers

Edina Community Ed. is thrilled to offer students entering 7th and 8th grades (2024-25 school year) two new summer volunteer opportunities.

Unified Enrichment Camps

Do you want to champion inclusion and empower others by promoting acceptance and understanding? Volunteer with Unified Enrichment Camps run through Edina Community Ed this summer and help create a more inclusive environment for everyone.

Green Superheros of Science Teen Teachers

If you like science, care about the environment, and want to inspire younger students with fun science experiments, then Green Superheros of Science is for you. 

Learn more and register here.

Together, let's make this summer one of growth, connection, and positive change! Questions? Email

Edina Mountain Bike Team try outs; Girls on Wed. May 8th, 6:30-8pm; All 6-12th graders Wed. May 15th from 6:30-8pm. Creek Valley school park. Information meeting on Apr. 27 at 1pm; Edina Community Center rm. 351. Enter at door #3.
Looking Ahead
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