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Originally delivered on 4/2/2024 8:39 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - April 1st

Dates to Remember:

April 1st-5th: VEAP Food Drive (monetary campaign)

April 12th: Edina Give & Go 10 Year Celebration

May 30th: 8th Grade Graduation (save the date!)

VVMS in Focus
Inclusion Assembly

Woohoo! Before we went into spring break, we led a school-wide campaign to boost inclusion. We love EACH and EVERY student at VVMS and wanted to shine that sentiment as bright as possible. Students heard from Unified alumni and learned of how they can support our STRIVE program. Games were played and a giant beach ball bounced around the gym! Overall, we were SO proud of how our young Hornets showed up for this event and it was yet another wonderful highlight of the 23’-24’ school year at Valley View

VVMS Inclusivity Assembly for VVMS Inclusion Week
VVMS Iclusion Week: Special Olympics Minnesota
Principal Bass and guest speaker
Inclusion Spirit Days

Twins Day, Pajama Day, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift Day; VVMS really showed up to show their spirit!

2024 Polar Plunge

Last Friday, Valley View, South View, and Edina High School came together for the Special Olympics Cool School Polar Plunge! Collectively, we raised $78,634+ for Special Olympics and our schools. 

EPS 2024 Polar Plunge
Get Your VVMS Gear!

Show your school spirit with some new Valley View gear! 

A large selections of sizes, styles, and colors, plus free shipping on orders placed by March 25th. Your order will be available for pick up by April 10th at the main office at VVMS.


Orchestra highlight!

Principal Bass rockin’ out to Seven Nation Army with orchestra!

Spring Break

We asked people to share some pictures from their spring breaks and they did not disappoint! Here is just a sample of the awesome pics that were shared!

Ramadhan Kareem!

For families who have students that will be celebrating the upcoming Ramadan holiday, please feel free to fill out THIS FORM so that we can accommodate any special considerations your family may need during this time.

Qoysaska haysta arday u dabbaaldegaya fasaxa Ramadaan ee soo socda, fadlan xor u ah inaad buuxisaan foomkan hoose si aanu u qaabilno wixii tixgelin gaar ah oo qoyskaagu u baahan karo inta lagu jiro wakhtigan.

Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch and Hall Monitors

Come see what the fuss is all about, our kids are great and you make a difference!

We have loved having our VVMS parents volunteer during passing times and at lunch! Please, please please, keep coming in and volunteering to supervise. 

We are offering work spaces for those who want to come during our passing time. This allows our parents to supervise halls during transition time but then hop back into an office to work. We're happy to accommodate! 


For reference, here is the VV Daily Schedule.

Thank you!!

Button to lunch supervisor sign ups
Button to Hallway Monitor sign up
Button to reserve work space

Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

Parking for Parent Visitors

Parents and caregivers, if you are visiting Valley View please check in at the front desk and a clipboard will be provided for you to enter your vehicle information. This will prevent any boots or ticketing.

Thank You!
Parent volunteer in front of large horizontal banner that reads,
PTO News
Support the PTO!

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
Community Shares

Celebrating 10 Years!

Edina Give and Go is celebrating 10 years of supporting Edina Public Schools students at their 10th anniversary celebration: A Night of Games and Giving on Friday, April 12, 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Pinstripes Edina. 

It will be a fun evening of games & prizes, food & drink, silent auction & EHS jazz band entertainment, and time to honor those who founded and helped to build and support Edina Give and Go.

Thanks to a very generous community supporter, 100% of all funds raised, including ticket sales, will help us send 200 Edina Public Schools students to activities this summer, including flag football, dance, drone racing, funky jewelry making, chess, and more.

Please register here.

1st annual: Edina Bands Mattress Fundraiser. Every purchase benefits the Edina Band Program. Sat. April 13th 10am-5pm at South View Middle School. For more info text 'Beds' to 651-760-8686
Trap Shooting Team

Edina High School Trap Shooting Team is looking 7th and 8th graders that would be interested in joining the team for our upcoming season. The season runs from April through May and we shoot at the Minneapolis Gun Club on Thursdays.  

If you want more information or are interested please email:

Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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