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Originally delivered on 2/2/2024 8:08 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - Feb. 2nd

Dates to Remember:

Feb. 19th: NO SCHOOL (Presidents' Day)

Feb. 20th: NO SCHOOL (Professional Dev.)

March 7th: 5-7pm Open House: Teacher convos, food trucks, DJ, Book Bazaar, and more! 

March 7th: 7-8:30pm The Sponge Bob Musical

VVMS in Focus
Introducing In-School Clubs!

We surveyed our Hornets twice this year and assembled a principal and superintendent student team to get feedback on how to boost their experience. Connections, and opportunities to have fun, was a major part of the input. So, we are looking to pump up our fun vibes and let kiddos explore what could be a new passion/hobby for them. We are going to run clubs for the next four Fridays. Afterwards we’ll seek more student feedback and measure the impact. We are excited to offer lots of pathways for students to bond and enjoy their time with staff and parents. Please click the link to get a sneak peek at clubs and areas you may be able to help us. Students will pick 5 choices next week, and we will deliver on one of their top 3 as the club they can attend for the month. Should be a blast!

In addition to the volunteer opportunities above, we are still looking specifically for the following:

  • Certified Lifeguard needed for Swimming Club. 15-20 students. A community or family member that would be willing to provide support on the 4 Fridays we offer clubs (2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1)
  • Sign Language Club is seeking an adult that can assist on some of the Fridays and share their knowledge of sign language.
  • Looking for old tees shirt donations for a group that is interested in using these to make chew toys that can be donated to animal shelters.
STRIVE/Unified Ski Trip to Hyland Hills

Unified/STRIVE program took an amazing trip to Hyland Hills for a ski outing! They received a wonderful compliment from Rhonda, who runs the Hyland Hills Adaptive Ski Program, "your group is the best group I have ever had. Everyone worked so nicely together. I would love for you to come back and train future groups who would be coming here."

Science Visitor MC Tree Hugger

Mr. Ronhovde and his “guest speaker” MC Tree Hugger leading an incredible rap on Pangea, plate tectonics, and other cool science stuff!

What a fun way to help the learning crystallize for our young scholars!

Mr. Ronhovde and MC Tree Hugger talk science
The Valley View Vibe

The Valley View Vibe is about our familial spirit and leading with love.

We love the relationships our staff builds with students and Ms. Hassan continues to be such a bright spot on our campus. 

She is regularly helping wherever the need is great and loves up our community. Ms. Hassan is just one more extension of our campus that reinforces our culture of care, and the VV Vibe. 

Next time you’re on campus, share some love with Ms. Hassan! 

Yellow cake with bee and honeycomb sugar decorations.
The Vibe Wins at this year's Edina Cake Off!

Congrats to our very own PTO President, Erika LaDousa, on winning in the Adult category at the annual Edina Education Fund CAKE fundraiser. In Erika's words: my cake was inspired by the amazing vibe going on at VVMS thanks to the current staff and families. There's a lot of love and a celebration of diversity going on here and we're pretty proud to be a part of it!

EHS 2024/2025 Registration - rising 9th graders!!

High School registration for the 2024-25 school year is around the corner!  

Below is a calendar of important upcoming dates. Please be sure to check it out. More detailed information will be sent in early February.

Calendar for 2024-2025 school year Edina High School Registration
VVMS Yearbook Team Seeking Photos

The VVMS Yearbook Team are looking for more photos for the 2023/2024 yearbook. They are looking for the first day of school, homecoming, band, orchestra, choir, winter party, fall play, or just everyday student life pictures to add to the collection. 

If you have any you are willing to share, please upload them at this link:

8th Grade Parents Update for 2024/2025

Due to the US Government class at Edina High School next year being moved from 9th grade to 11th or 12th grade, the annual trip to Washington DC will be temporarily put on pause. Plans are to resume the trip in 2025-2026 for the Class of 2028 and beyond. 

Contact with questions.

Free Daily Breakfast

The food service operation at Edina Public Schools serves breakfast every day and is offered to all students for no charge. 

We hope to see your student at breakfast!

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers Wanted for In-School Clubs!

VVMS is excited to announce the start of clubs offered during Flex block on Fridays.  These will run for four consecutive Fridays (February 9th-March 1st) during the Flex time (approximately 9:20am-10:10am).  We are looking for parent volunteers to help in each area!  You're welcome to sign up for one opportunity or all four. 

Expertise in the area would be great but is not required (although some swimming background and CPR training would be huge pluses for our swim club!)

Check out all the opportunities and sign up here.

Lunch and Hall Monitors

Keep making a difference in 2024! 

We have loved having our VVMS parents volunteer during passing times and at lunch! Please, please please, keep coming in and volunteering to supervise. 

We are offering work spaces for those who want to come during our passing time. This allows our parents to supervise halls during transition time but then hop back into an office to work. We're happy to accommodate! 

Lunch volunteers - sign up here

Hall Monitors** - sign up here

**If you need to reserve a work space while you are there please do so HERE; for reference, here is the VV Daily Schedule.

Thank you!!

**Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

Thank You!

To all of the amazing parents and guardians,

You are so very appreciated!! And thank you to the volunteers.  If you have come into the hallways to view the morning rush to class, the exciting mid-day conversations, the lunch room fun, or the other topic specific help needed by our students and teachers, we appreciate you! Thank you for making this 2023 fall and winter amazing!! From, the pictures to the food, to the fabulous gifts you provided, thank you! We are all better because of you! 

And we would love to continue to see you and get to know you over the next few months!! Come in and experience a fun lunch time with your student and their friends, or hang out with us during passing period!! 

Parent volunteer in front of large horizontal banner that reads,
Parking for Parent Visitors

Parents and caregivers, if you are visiting Valley View and parking in the visitor spots, please check in at the front desk and a clipboard will be provided for you to enter your vehicle information. This will prevent any boots or ticketing.

PTO News
Support the PTO!

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
Community Shares
Lunar New Year Celebration
EAAA (Edina Asian American Alliance) Lunar New Year Feb. 11, 2:00-4:00pm Southdale Library

Join us in celebrating Lunar New Year on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at Southdale Library’s Full Meeting Room, from 2-4 p.m. 

Tickets for our First Inaugural Lunar New Year Celebration are now LIVE! This family-friendly event is held in collaboration with the Edina Asian American Alliance, Edina High School's AAPI Student Union and Chinese Club.

Save your spot by purchasing a $5 ticket for you and each of your friends or family members! Ticket is required upon entry. 

Included in the ticket price is a small snack and fun crafting opportunities (such as origami and calligraphy), a photo booth, face painting, and more.

To purchase, use the link, or visit the Edina Asian American Alliance's website

For live updates and reminders, follow @EdinaAsianAmericanAlliance on Instagram.

Join Edina Middle School Ultimate Frisbee today! Practice and games are April-May, Tues., Thurs, and Sat. Zero experience required; financial assistance available. Deadline to register is 3/25
Edina Resource Center logo
Edina Resource Center Newsletter

Find all the resources through the Edina Resource Center Newsletter!

Tax preparation, Financial Wellness workshops, information about Edina events like the CAKE Off, and summer activity registration (featured below) are just some of the essentials you will find there. You can subscribe to their newsletter on their website.

February's Newsletter 

Edina Summer Activity Expo. Feb 8, 4-7pm at Edinborough Park. Come learn about summer activites in Edina.
Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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