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Originally delivered on 1/18/2024 5:24 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - Jan. 18th

Dates to Remember:

Jan. 18th: End of Semester I

Jan. 19th: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Data Day)

VVMS in Focus
End of Semester I Information
  • Semester I ended today, 1/18
  • NYs shifted to letter grades (NY = Not Yet, anything below 70%).
  • Grades will not show from 1/17 to 1/26 as teachers finalize scores and complete grading.
  • Final scores will be available on Infinite Campus at 4pm on 1/26.
  • Students can see their Semester II schedule NOW - so they can begin preparing for 2nd semester.
  • MCA reports are coming home with students today. These are the results from the 22/23 school year. The MCAs are our state tests and they offer a projection of your student’s learning performance rates.

Solo Fest 2024

We had another great SoloFest event on Saturday! This 50+ year event includes all band students in grades 7-9 from South View, Valley View, and Edina High School. 493 Edina Band students attended the event on Saturday, January 13, 2024, and performed in one of 10 judging sites. Students had the opportunity to choose a piece of solo music geared toward their individual playing abilities to foster their personalized musical growth. Following their performance, each student received a one-on-one coaching session from an expert in the field as well as written comments.

We are so proud of our students’ resilience and musical progress!

Thank you,

Edina Band Teachers

Nicholas Ellison, Chris Gumz, Marya Haugland, Geneva Fitzsimonds, Melody Snyder

REMINDER: 8th Grade Chamber Choir at Timberwolves Game Tonight!

The choir has been selected to sing the National Anthem at the Timberwolves game tonight, January 18th. This nationally televised game against the Grizzlies will be a night to remember, so make sure to congratulate these fine singers when you see them and attend the game to cheer them on if you can!

Way to go, Chamber!

Parking for Parent Visitors

Parents and caregivers, if you are visiting Valley View and parking in the visitor spots, please check in at the front desk and a clipboard will be provided for you to enter your vehicle information. This will prevent any boots or ticketing.

Free Daily Breakfast

The food service operation at Edina Public Schools serves breakfast every day and is offered to all students for no charge. 

We hope to see your student at breakfast!

Volunteer Opportunities
Robotics Club Volunteers

Would you be interested in supporting an after-school club at VVMS?

Our after school robotics club will be starting on January 26th and we would love to have a couple of parent volunteers to help support it, no engineering or robotics background required!

Robotics Club Information

  • Instructor: Ian Alexander (adult - 20 yr. old college student)

  • Organization: Inventor Mentors

  • Schedule: Thursdays 4:15 - 5:15 pm

  • Locations: VVMS - Flex space

  • Enrolled: 9 students 

  • Start Date: Second semester - January 26th, 2024

Ian Alexander would be in charge of the club and has previous experience (pre-pandemic ran the same club.) He would have all the equipment and instructions, therefore; the volunteer would not need a robotics or engineering background (extra adult to supervise the students.) 

This club runs for 10 weeks (Thursday afternoons only) from 4:15-5:15 pm. There is an after-school activity bus that comes to VVMS at 5:30 pm for the students, who would need it. 

The volunteer would need to stay until all (9 students) have been picked up or gotten on the after-school bus. We could split the 10 weeks (Thursdays) between two volunteers as long as they are reliable and consistent. With one volunteer taking the first 5 weeks (Thursdays,) and the second volunteer taking the last 5 weeks (Thursdays.) 

Email if you are interested. Thank you!

Lunch and Hall Monitors

Keep making a difference in 2024! 

We have loved having our VVMS parents volunteer during passing times and at lunch! Please, please please, keep coming in and volunteering to supervise. 

We are offering work spaces for those who want to come during our passing time. This allows our parents to supervise halls during transition time but then hop back into an office to work. We're happy to accommodate! 

Lunch volunteers - sign up here

Hall Monitors** - sign up here

**If you need to reserve a work space while you are there please do so HERE; for reference, here is the VV Daily Schedule.

Thank you!!

**Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

PTO News
Support the PTO!

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
Community Shares
Come Enjoy Another Stellar EHS Production!
Lunar New Year Celebration
EAAA (Edina Asian American Alliance) Lunar New Year Feb. 11, 2:00-4:00pm Southdale Library

Join us in celebrating Lunar New Year on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at Southdale Library’s Full Meeting Room, from 2-4 p.m. 

Tickets for our First Inaugural Lunar New Year Celebration are now LIVE! This family-friendly event is held in collaboration with the Edina Asian American Alliance, Edina High School's AAPI Student Union and Chinese Club.

Save your spot by purchasing a $5 ticket for you and each of your friends or family members! Ticket is required upon entry. 

Included in the ticket price is a small snack and fun crafting opportunities (such as origami and calligraphy), a photo booth, face painting, and more.

To purchase, use the link, or visit the Edina Asian American Alliance's website

For live updates and reminders, follow @EdinaAsianAmericanAlliance on Instagram.

Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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