You are making a difference!!
We love our VVMS parents! Please, please please, come in and volunteer to supervise. We are offering work spaces for those who want to come during our passing time. This allows our parents to supervise halls during transition time but then hop back into an office to work. We're happy to accommodate!
Lunch volunteers - sign up here
Hall Monitors** - sign up here
**If you need to reserve a work space while you are there please do so HERE; for reference, here is the VV Daily Schedule.
Thank you!!
**Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.