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Originally delivered on 10/27/2023 8:12 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - Oct 27th

Dates to Remember:

Nov. 6th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (in-person)

Nov. 7th: NO SCHOOL (Election day). Parent-Teacher Conferences (virtual)

VVMS in Focus
From Principal Bass

eLearning Day practice on 11/1

Students will bring laptops home that night and our district is asking our families to give us feedback. How long is the battery lasting? Is the wifi still performing well? Etc. Students will return to school on 11/2 and offer feedback in their advisories. Thanks for your participation.


We want the fun of dressing up while still making sure the experience is accessible to all. We are considering pathways that will allow students to enjoy costumes and treats. However, we need more time to make a thoughtful decision. As a result, we will likely schedule a spirit week-like event where students can still dress up but on a day outside of Halloween. In addition, there are hot button topics surging right now that’s creating some pause for us as we do not want costumes and fun to turn into big declarations, and politically polarizing conditions. It is a tough time and I want it to be as simple as “just let the kids have fun and honor tradition” but it really is more complex than that. I appreciate your understanding as we try to co-design with the community to ensure we remain a place where all have entry into the Valley View vibe.

Red-level Language

We dropped the ball in not getting messaging out to you sooner. Our handbook is part of what we weave into our orientation-like experiences, public, and our expectations were stated in assemblies in every grade-level. Still, best practice is to refresh and re-inform so everyone is on board. 

Our response honors our district’s discipline handbook. Students will be dismissed for the day if using discriminatory language against a protected class. This means words that harm ANY marginalized community or historically/presently oppressed groups.  

When students return to school the next day, we will enroll them in a FLEX session that will coach our students up on the impact of language. We have some excellent resources from the Anti-Defamation League and our Character Strong framework that we’ll use to coach up our young Hornets. 

We deeply need you to talk to your student/child about being impeccable with their word. Words hold power and even when used playfully, those close by could be triggered by the statements. Students will have oversights and we don’t expect perfection but we must preserve our culture of unity and harmony. 

We love our students and we will do everything to ensure we establish VVMS as the epicenter of the community. 

The conflict in the middle east…

…is something that has impacted campuses across the nation. We are seeing such trends as “Team Israel” and “Team Palestine”. Some students are quick to wield big declarations around and in some cases, have no clue about the historical context of the statement. Full disclosure, I had the great opportunity to be educated on some of the pieces I knew nothing about. So, we have leaned on our experts to objectively deliver coaching to keep our students informed. We encourage our communities to be critical consumers of information and again, to ensure your student/child is only operating from a green-level space (compassionate, kind, respectful, etc). 

Please join us in creating conditions that bring us together. Divisiveness is exhausting. 

Finally, there are sites and social media outlets that are spreading misinformation about some of the decisions we’ve made. We are always open to just having an open conversation. Of course, there are pieces that we simply cannot divulge because of confidentiality, but I believe in being transparent to the degree in which I can. 

For those of you who have had the chance to work with me, I hope you’ve recognized my commitment to staying true to our community. I love what I do and this is my home. I will stand for what’s right and I don’t a la carte choose when to be inclusive and equitable. Doing the right thing is always the right choice. This team will continue to do that and refine our practice when it isn’t working in alignment with our mission and vision. 

Thanks for trusting our leadership and for being willing to co-construct and thought partner with us.

Lunch and Hall Monitors Needed

All volunteer contributions are very important in supporting our Valley View community!

Looking for Somali speaking, Spanish speaking, and English speaking parent volunteers, to help with supervision.

Help is needed during high traffic busy times in the hallways and during lunch time.

**Working with middle school requires the right temperament. We mostly just need you to be smiley, and cheerful. We avoid practices that involve screaming or yelling. We prefer softer approaches that are kind but firm. Individuals volunteering are able to suspend bias and judgment and can offer support for all students. If you think this is you? Please help us in adding a greater eco-system like approach to how we guide and shepherd our young Hornets.

Sign up here!
Parent Teacher Conferences

Our next round of conferences are November 6th and 7th. The 6th will be after school and in-person. The 7th is a chance for families to conference with us, virtually. 

Be on the lookout for additional information coming soon. We’d love to see you!

Water Bottles for Students
Safe water containers

We encourage our young Hornets to stay hydrated! The safest containers are those made of plastic or metal.

Reach out if you need help finding something that aligns with our guidance!

No glass containers

Glass containers are dangerous and can lead to safety hazards.

We have a spectacular maintenance and custodial crew, so we respond swiftly but it's very important to send our students to school with durable, safe products. 

Talking Points logo
Talking Points Communication Tool

Talking Points is a free tool used in Edina Public Schools to support communication between staff and families by sending messages through texts, an online browser or an app.  

Messages can be translated between staff and families when helpful to bridge communication. Swing by the media center during conferences on Nov. 6/7 if you would like help getting set up with Talking Points or have any questions. 

You can also call 952-848-3325 or email with any questions.

PTO News
Support the PTO!

We are getting closer but we are still around $3,000 short of reaching our budgeted goal. 

The VVMS PTO does not hold any other fundraisers throughout the year, this is your chance to support our school!

Can you help us get there with a dues payment or consider an additional donation?


Pay your Dues Here
Make an Additional Donation Here
VVMS Updates
Dallas Brass was out to partner with our amazing band!

A couple of weeks ago the Dallas Brass band came to Edina and performed for our Valley View band students. Here are some pictures of the performance. A great time was had by all!

Come See Our Fall Play!

Tickets are now on sale for the 7th & 8th grade fall play, Moriarty's Daughters!

Performance times and dates:

Fri., Nov. 3rd 7:00 pm

Sat., Nov. 4th 2:00 pm

Sat., Nov. 4th 7:00 pm

Purchase your tickets HERE (select 'Purchase tickets here' at the top of the screen)

A little bit about the play:

A Midwest Premiere! In 1897 New York City, Lucy and Louise Bullard are trying their best to live a quiet life, untouched by the legacy of their father Adam Worth, an internationally infamous conman and art thief whose exploits inspired the character of Moriarty in the Sherlock Holmes stories. However, upon discovering that their father has a third daughter, kept in the care of their aunt, and that the aunt in question has just been falsely accused of an elaborate crime, the girls cannot help but be drawn into the mystery. Add in their nosy landlady, her snarky, sneaky daughter, and the local chapter of the Sherlock Holmes Appreciation Society, and it’s a recipe for problems, plots, and escapades more convoluted than anything Arthur Conan Doyle could conjure!

Seeking Book Donations!

Does your family have any gently used books to donate to the media center to make our library book collection even better?!  

We are especially interested in locating any copies of the following books:

  • Manga—ANY!  We really want to add more manga titles!

    • Especially: Pokémon, Naruto, Demon Slayer, One Piece, Legend of Zelda

  • Graphic Novels—ANY! This is an absolute favorite mode of books for many of our VVMS students. Especially:

    • Simpsons, Wings of Fire, Avatar, Amulet 

  • Jedi Academy Series

  • Percy Jackson Series

  • The Summer I turned Pretty series

  • Who Was/Is? (biography books with the big heads on the front)

  • Nonfiction books about the following topics:

    • Sports, origami, biographies, video gaming

    • Ecosystems, terrariums, war history

Thank you for looking through your shelves, and if you have any books to donate, you can simply bring them to the VVMS front office. We appreciate all donations and please know your gift to the media center helps each and every student at VVMS!  🙂

Thank you! Edina grows readers!!!

- The VVMS Media Team

Partner Shares
Get ready for flu season

Edina Public Schools is hosting vaccine clinics where staff and community are able to get their flu shot on the following dates and times:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 1, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the City Gym
  • Thursday, Nov. 2, from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. in the City Gym


Flu shots are available by appointment. You can pre-register online at Limited same-day registration may be available with assistance from on-site staff.


  • Most major health insurers cover the cost of flu vaccines.
  • If an individual is uninsured, the City will cover the cost for that individual.
  • If someone is able to pay, the cost is $40 per flu shot.

For additional Covid and Flu shot opportunities on November 11th see flyer below:

Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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