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Originally delivered on 9/18/2023 4:30 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - Sept. 18th

Dates to Remember:

September 25th: No School (Staff Development Day)

October 2nd: Picture Retake Day

VVMS in Focus
From Principal Bass

Today was a great return from what was an unexpected but necessary departure to virtual learning on Friday. 

Our partnership with Edina PD was glowing and we were out greeting students and families as we transitioned back to our Valley View Vibe. We’re thankful for their presence and their warm energy throughout the day! 

We also spent time holding space for students and staff this morning and shared all the resources available to any who may need additional support. Thanks to your help, we have created conditions that are well informed by the community and that contorts to meet the unique needs of our students. 

We love what we do and we love our Hornets! Valley View remains steadfast in being a hub of the community that leans into relationships in order to provide an experience of excellence. 

Thank you again, and we are stoked to be back at it! The vibe continues to surge!

With a heart full of love,


Principal Bass

Homecoming Spirit Week!

This week is Homecoming Spirit Week (9/18-9/22):

Monday: Pajama Day

Tuesday: Tropical Day

Wednesday: Rhyme/Twins Day

Thursday: Color Challenge Day:

  • 6th grade: white
  • 7th grade: black
  • 8th grade: blue

Friday: Edina Day

  • ALL school assembly, wear Edina gear!
Virtual Advisory Conferences

Continue to schedule advisory conferences if you haven't already. Conferences are available virtually at a time that’s convenient for our families and caregivers all the way up until 9/22/23.

Please check your email titled “VVMS Virtual Advisor Conferences” for more information and a sign-up link. Please reach out to the VVMS main office if you did not receive an email (952-848-3500).

Advisors plays an important role in supporting you and your student. (Note: These are only advisor conferences. Please do not sign up for a conference with a teacher who is not your student's advisor. Content related conferences will happen in November)

Advisor conferences will last 10 minutes with a parent/guardian and advisor. Students are encouraged to participate as well. Be ready to discuss your student's goals for the year, their strengths, interests, and anything else to help your child's advisor better support them. We also welcome parent/guardians to reach out to advisors at any time via email or phone call when clarity of feedback is needed.

Drill Schedule

We will practice our evacuation drill on Wednesday and our Lockdown drill on Thursday. We have developed a shared language with Edina Police and Fire and will look to use our new learning on these days to practice our safety procedures. We wanted to ensure our families know that this will just be practice but that it is important we run through these things with extreme focus.

Homecoming Game Guidelines

Homecoming game is this Friday, we are looking forward to seeing many young Hornets there! Please review the following guidelines if you plan to attend:

  • Middle school students cannot attend Edina High School football games without parent supervision. 
  • The same expectations of school are applied at the football games. 
  • Green level actions and language (politeness, respect, mindful of language and movement, and courteous to visitors).
PTO News
Support the PTO!

The PTO's operating budget for 2023-2024 is $20,000. We are so close to our goal, but we still need your help to make all the fun things we have planned happen!

Dues are the main source of funding for the PTO, we appreciate your support! 

Pay your Dues Here

Your contributions make the following possible:

  • Grants to support VVMS students, staff, and school community
  • Grade Level Parties
  • Grandparent's/Special Person's Day
  • Teacher Appreciation Lunches
  • Various student activities
  • Scholarships
  • VVMS Digital Student Directory and Website (Membership Toolkit)
  • Special Guest Speakers
  • and more!

If you have already paid your dues (thank you!) and would like to contribute additional funds to support the PTO's efforts, you may do so here.

VVMS Updates

Ask your student if they've brought their boxes of tissues to Advisory. 

Tissues are a hot commodity and sometimes they get forgotten in lockers after Get Connected Day.

Thanks for checking!

Edina Give & Go Funds

All students who qualify for Educational Benefits can get financial support from Edina Give and Go to participate in extracurricular activities. Each Edina Public Schools student in your household can apply for up to $1,000 per school year to pay for things like out-of-school tutoring, football, swimming lessons, dance team, drivers education classes, clubs, and more. Click here to learn more and apply, or visit

Fast Bridge Testing

Once again this year, students at Valley View will be taking the FastBridge assessment to provide proficiency and growth data aligned to national norms. If you would like more information and/or are interested in strategies that can be practiced at home, please review the links below:

Picture Retake Day - October 2nd

If your student missed getting their picture taken at Get Connected Day or you just need another chance for a better picture, be sure to mark your calendars for Picture Retake Day on Oct. 2nd!

If you did picture re-takes on 8/31 your pictures are ready for viewing!

You should have received an email with a link to view your pictures this week. If you did not receive it, please call or email 952-473-2142 or

Volunteer Opportunities

You will see new volunteer opportunities posted in this section for both in-person events and classroom or school donations. 

All volunteer contributions are very important in supporting our Valley View community.

Valley View & South View Joint Staff Luncheon

Valley View and Southview are coming together for a joint Staff Day on Monday, September 25th and they are looking for donations to help support a staff luncheon.  

Sign up to donate an item for the luncheon here.

Planning for our 2023 Fall Fest is underway! Be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities for this event coming in the next few weeks.

Partner Shares
Attention 6th Graders!

2023 Edina Dance Team Kids Clinic

Saturday November 4, 2023 12:00-2:30pm @ Edina High School

WHERE: Edina High School, Activity Center, Enter Door 6

WHO: All kids, preschool (age 4) through 6th grade are invited - no dance experience necessary!

DANCE SHOW: Performances by all dancers and the Edina Dance Team at 2:15pm

$40 FEE INCLUDES: Clinic t-shirt, dance instruction by Edina Dance Team, snacks and crafts.

6th Grade Middle School Dance Club

Join the Edina 6th Grade Dance Club!

Get a taste of the Edina Dance Team by dancing with current members of EDT! Coach will teach the basics of team structure & performance dynamics. Jazz dance & new friends will create memories for years to come. Additional performance opportunity at the Edina Dance Invite on January 6th, 2024.

South View Middle School : SV Gym - Gym 1
Wednesdays, Nov 1 - Dec 20
7:45 AM - 9:00 AM

Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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