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Originally delivered on 8/25/2023 12:42 pm

SUBJECT: The Valley View Vibe Newsletter - Aug. 25th

Dates to Remember:

August 28th: First Day of School - See you on Monday!

August 31st: Picture Make Up Day

September 4th: No School (Labor Day)

September 7th: Back to School/Curriculum Night

Remind your student(s) to head to advisory first thing Monday morning!
PTO News
Welcome to Valley View Middle School!

On behalf of the Valley View Middle School PTO, we want to welcome you to the 2023/2024 school year! We are incredibly excited and energized to work with Principal Bass and the full administration to bring a new level of fun and engagement to the school year! 

We are looking forward to supporting the staff and students in innovative ways and bring a new level of communication to families. Be on the look out for new volunteer opportunities, weekly updates via our newsletter the Valley View Vibe, and more! 

I am beyond grateful to have a HUGE PTO Board chalked full of enormous talent this year. We are all motivated to provide support to the staff and families at Valley View, so the staff and teachers can provide a welcoming and inclusive environment to our students. 

It’s going to be a great year, we can feel it…cheers to 2023/2024!

Erika LaDousa

PTO President

Get Connected with VVMS on Social

Stay in the know and connect with other parents in the community by joining the VVMS Parent's Group on facebook and following our Instagram account.

Back To School Checklist

Dues are $50 per family and they are the main source of funding for the PTO, we appreciate your support! 

PTO dues automatically grant you access to our School Directory. If you are unable to cover your dues at the moment you may use code VVMSPTODUES2023 when you checkout in the 'PTO Dues 2023-2024' form.

Drop Off / Pick Up Guidelines

We are back to school on Monday!

Here is a reminder of the pick up / drop off guidelines for Valley View Middle School.

Please be respectful of others and follow these protocols for a smooth car line experience.

VVMS Teacher Workshop

What a way to start the year! The PTO was excited to be invited to Workshop week for the teachers & staff at Valley View. The vibe was electric with all of the teachers & staff excited to start a new year of learning! 

Thanks to all those that signed up to donate a salad! The teachers and staff were thrilled with this addition to their lunch and the PTO was able to add some flair to add to the festive atmosphere. Everyone also got an opportunity to be introduced and welcome the newest staff members to VVMS and to top everything off...we got to hear a rap from our very own Principal Bass (Fun fact: He originally wanted to be a rapper when he grew up!). 

We can't wait for a fun and excited year with this new crew! 

VVMS Updates
Back to School/Curriculum Night

September 7th from 5-7pm

Come walk your student's schedule with your student at Valley View's Back to School/Curriculum Night! You will select a class (either their A or B schedule classroom) to visit each session.

Meet their teachers and learn more about the classes they are taking with informative introductions from each instructor. 

School photos are ready to view. An email should be sent within the next 48 hours from Kemmetmueller Photo. If you do not receive a link, you can call 952-473-2142 or email at
Food & Nutrition

Beginning on July 1, 2023, Edina has joined the Minnesota Free School Meals Program. All students are eligible to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch free each school day. If your student wants to receive a second lunch, an individual milk without a complete meal, or any other of our a-la-carte options, students will need to pay for these items through money in their lunch account.

Although no application is required to receive the free meal benefit, filling out the Application for Educational Benefits is still important as it can provide other benefits to your student and helps the school qualify for education funds.

Raptor Visitor Management System

New to Edina Schools this year, the Raptor Visitor Management System will be used to check in all visitors. A letter was sent out to all EPS families on July 26th with more details about this new system and check-in process.

Here are a few videos that also help to explain the Raptor system:
Raptor Visitor Management Intro Video
How it Works Video

Volunteer Opportunities

Check back for new opportunities that will be posted soon!

Partner Shares
Sign Up Now for FTC Robotics!   

7th-12th grades | No experience needed

Edina Give and Go Gear Swap Event. Drop off gear Sept. 9, 8:30am-2pm and shop on Sept. 10 9:30-1pm at the Edin Community Center
Save the Date and Gather Your Gear

Our community-wide GEAR SWAP hosted by friends of Edina Give and Go is almost here! 



WHEN: Saturday, September 9th, 8:30am-2

WHAT: Bring all your donations to the Edina Community Center, Door 7. Pull up in designated line lane and a team will unload your car.


WHEN: Sunday, September 10th, 9:30am-1

WHAT: Come and get gear for all your student's fall and winter activities.  Monetary donations welcome.

All proceeds from GEAR SWAP benefit the Edina Give and Go mission. We serve the over 1,700 Edina Public School students that are economically disadvantaged by helping them gain access to arts, athletic and academic opportunities through advocacy, partnerships and grants.

Questions? email

Volunteers needed to make this a successful event, check out the opportunities here:

On September 9th only, Drop off your clean and gently used or new gear donations such as:

  • Music Instruments
  • Choir concert outfits
  • Music books
  • Tap and ballet shoes
  • Ballet leotards
  • Calculators
  • Art Books
  • Art Kits
  • Tennis Shoes/Sneakers (great condition)
  • Winter Gear (jackets, snow pants, boots)
  • Basketball Shoes
  • Ski Equipment
  • Swim Caps and Goggles
  • *Hornet Apparel* - without personalized names 
  • Edina Elementary Apparel - without personalized names
  • Sports Balls
  • Sport Cleats
  • Skates
  • Sticks and Pads
  • Shin Guards
  • Warm Up Gear
  • Sports Bags
  • Helmets (please mark if expired)
  • Bikes/scooters - in working order
  • Baseball bats/gloves
  • Golf Clubs/shoes
  • Raquets
  • And anything else sports related you can GIVE to help kids GO.
Looking Ahead
Quick Links
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